Chef Suzana Davila brings the flavors of her home in Guaymas, Sonora to the northern part of the Sonoran desert. Hidden on the first floor of a chartreuse parking structure, you might overlook the restaurant if you didn't know what was inside. A sleek and cheerful dining room is usually full of diners enjoying the house salsa and chips amidst contemporary artwork. The menu changes twice a day, and your server will bring it on a chalkboard to your table. Selections may include some kind of tamale pie, pollo, a mole. Everything is made from whatever is fresh and available that day. You can never go wrong with the Plato Poca Cosa, three selections of the day chosen by Suzana herself. Its casual little sister, Little Poca Cosa (on Stone Avenue), is lighter on the pocketbook but open only for breakfast and lunch.