Getting There
By Train: Approximately 30 daily trains run between Siena and Poggibonsi (one about every half hour, trip time: 25–40 min.), from where more than 30 buses make the 25-minute run to San Gimignano Monday through Saturday; only six buses run on Sunday.
By Bus: Tiemme (; tel. 0577/204111 buses run at least hourly (fewer on Sun) for most of the day from both Florence (50 min.) and Siena (45 min.) to Poggibonsi. Many of those buses make an immediate connection with buses to San Gimignano (a further 20–25 min.; see above). From Siena there are also 10 direct buses (a 1 1/4 hr. journey) Monday through Saturday.
By Car: Take the Poggibonsi Nord exit off the Florence-Siena highway or the SS2. San Gimignano is 12km (7 1/2 miles) from Poggibonsi, through very pretty country.
Parking: Parking is tight, and the centro storico is off-limits to most vehicles (including those of visitors). Read signs carefully, since many spots are reserved for residents, and at some parking is allowed for only 1 hour. The most convenient parking is at Parcheggio Montemaggio, outside the Porta San Giovanni (2€ an hour, 20€ a day). You can easily walk into town from here, but shuttle buses also take you up to Piazza della Cisterna (1€, tickets sold from parking-ticket machines).
Visitor Information: The friendly tourist office at Piazza Duomo 1 (; tel. 0577/940-008) is open daily March through October from 9am to 1pm and 3 to 7pm, and November through February from 9am to 1pm and 2 to 6pm.
Festivals & Markets: The citizens dress up in elaborate masks and costumes for a Carnival parade just before Lent. Dentro e Fuori le Mura has, since 1924, brought some lightweight culture to town with open-air opera recitals, classical concerts, and film screenings in the ruins of the Rocca fortress. Thursday sees a bustling market on Piazza del Duomo.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.