This 16th-century Andalucían palace of the dukes of Medinaceli recaptures the splendor of the past, casually combining Gothic, Mudéjar, and Plateresque styles in its courtyards, fountains, and salons. Legend says that the house is a reproduction of Pilate’s House in Jerusalem, but the distinctly Sevillano character of the architecture argues otherwise. The house has exhibits, supplemented by an audioguide, on both the ground floor and the first floor, used until recently by the family. The interior includes a collection of paintings by Carreño, Pantoja de la Cruz, Sebastiano del Piombo, Lucas Jordán, Batalloli, Pacheco, and Goya, as well as some atmospheric if not terribly accomplished Greek and Roman statuary. The lush gardens, however, are the highlight and are worth the entrance fee. The cascading magenta bougainvillea at the entrance is an iconic image of great wealth in a desert climate like Sevilla’s. The palace is about a 7-minute walk northeast of the cathedral on the northern edge of Barrio de Santa Cruz, in a warren of labyrinthine streets.