This 17th-century hospital is intricately linked to the legend of Miguel Manara, portrayed by Dumas and Mérimée as the scandalous Don Juan. It was once thought that he built this institution to atone for his sins, but this has been disproven. The death of Manara's beautiful young wife in 1661 caused him such grief that he retired from society and entered the "Charity Brotherhood," burying corpses of the sick and diseased as well as condemned and executed criminals. Today members of this brotherhood continue to look after the poor, the elderly, and the infirm who have no one else to help them. Nuns will show you through the festive orange-and-sienna courtyard. The baroque chapel contains works by the 17th-century Spanish painters Murillo and Valdés Leal. As you're leaving the chapel, look above the exit door for the macabre picture of an archbishop being devoured by maggots.