The Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla began construction of this slightly oval bullring in 1761 to replace earlier wooden rings. It was completed in stages over the following 120 years and is one of the oldest and loveliest rings in the country. Guided tours begin in the stands, which seat 12,000 people. Although visitors cannot step onto the orange earth of the ring, they can survey the five gates that help orchestrate the corrida, including the gates where matadors and bulls enter the ring, the gate where dead bulls are carried out by three mules, and the gate where matadors exit in triumph if they receive the highest honors from the officials. The paintings and sculptures in the museum help trace the history of the spectacle from an aristocratic demonstration of bravery to a more populist sport in which talented bullfighters can achieve the fame of nobility. A number of bullfighters’ costumes are on display, along with the red capes (muletas) that the bullfighter uses to attract the bull. Bulls, by the way, are colorblind; they respond to the motion, not the traditional color.