
Best Hotels in Sinaia

Despite the influx of Bucharest's wealthy weekend-getaway crowd, there are sadly no really good accommodations options in Sinaia. There's also really only one noteworthy restaurant in town, and that's Taverna Sarbului, on Calea Codrului (tel. 0244/31-...  Read more >

Fromm rating starAbout our rating system

Star Rating Price Name Neighborhood
2 star rating Check dates Apartament de Lux Sinaia around town
2 star rating Check dates Apartamente Private around town
2 star rating Check dates Bistro-Pension La Teleferic around town
2 star rating Check dates Cabana Schiori around town
2 star rating Check dates Casa Amurg around town
2 star rating Check dates Casa Claudia around town
2 star rating Check dates Casa de Vacanta Razvan si Andrei around town
2 star rating Check dates Casa Traian around town
2 star rating Check dates Complex La Tunuri - Vila Economat around town
2 star rating Check dates Holiday Houses Sinaia Prahova around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Anda around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Arca lui Noe around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Bastion around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Boutique Belvedere around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Bucegi around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Caraiman around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Cota 1400 around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Cristal-Stadion around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Cumpatu around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Foisorul cu Flori around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Green Palace around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel International around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Mara around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Marami around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Marea Neagra around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel New Montana around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Piatra Soimului around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Regal Sinaia around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Regina around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Rina Cerbul around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Silvia Apart Sinaia around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Smart around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Stavilar around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Tantzi around town
2 star rating Check dates Le Chalet des Rêves around town
2 star rating Check dates New Aosta Garden around town
2 star rating Check dates Oblique - Forest & Spa around town
2 star rating Check dates Palace Hotel around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Carmen Sylva around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Casa Iris around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Casa Soarelui around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Casa Teo around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Casa Tom around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Casa Wenge around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension La Cristina around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Marina around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Master around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Popasul Haiducilor around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Raluca around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Roua around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Sinaia - Casa Ta around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Tui around town
2 star rating Check dates Pension Tv Condor around town
2 star rating Check dates Pensiunea Anemona around town
2 star rating Check dates Pensiunea Anotimpuri around town
2 star rating Check dates Pensiunea Boema around town
2 star rating Check dates Pensiunea Fratii around town
2 star rating Check dates Rina Sinaia Hotel around town
2 star rating Check dates Roberto Hotel around town
2 star rating Check dates Sinaia Alex Apartments around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Acvila around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Ana-Maria around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Camelia around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Codrului around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Condor Sinaia around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Eliza around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Iulia around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila La Costilei around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Lucica around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Lupilor around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Marald around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Retezat Sinaia around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Sinaia 1929 around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Ta around town
2 star rating Check dates Vila Vanturis around town
2 star rating Check dates Vile Lucia around town
2 star rating Check dates Villa Aosta 21 around town
2 star rating Check dates Villa Delmonte around town
2 star rating Check dates Villa Felix around town