Getting There & Around -- Stykkishólmur is 172km (107 miles) from Reykjavík, with good roads the entire way. Straeto buses (tel. 540-2700; connect Reykjavík and Stykkishólmur (2 1/2 hours; 3,600kr one-way), with one or two departures almost daily (not always on Wednesdays) in each direction year-round. Another route -- also with one or two departures daily -- covers the north coast of Snæfellsnes from Stykkishólmur to Hellissandur (65 min.; 1,600kr one-way), with stops at Grundarfjörður, Ólafsvík, and Arnarstapi.
The car ferry Baldur (tel. 433-2254; makes a scenic crossing of Breiðafjörður, linking Stykkishólmur to Brjánslækur in the Westfjords, with a stop at Flatey Island.
Visitor Information -- Stykkishólmur's travel information center, Borgarbraut 4 (tel. 438-1750;; June-Aug Mon-Fri 9am-10pm, Sat-Sun 10am-7pm), marked from the main road into town, is in the sports/swimming center. The office of the tour operator Seatours, Smiðjustígur 3 (tel. 433-2254; June-Aug 8am-8pm, Sep-May 8am-5pm) is also helpful with planning.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.