Syracuse and Ortygia Island

Things to See in Syracuse and Ortygia Island

Ortigia Island is Siracusa’s centro storico, a mostly pedestrian zone where narrow alleys lined with romantic 18th-century palazzi spill onto Piazza del Duomo. The ancient ruins are a good half-hour walk north of Ortigia along Corso Gelone. The histo...  Read more >

Fromm rating starAbout our rating system

Star Rating Name Type
1 star rating Castello Eurialo Ruins
2 star rating Catacombe di San Giovanni Cemetery
2 star rating Chiesa di Santa Lucia alla Badia Church
2 star rating Duomo Church
1 star rating Galleria Regionale Palazzo Bellomo Museum
1 star rating Megara Hyblaea Historic Site
3 star rating Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi Museum
3 star rating Parco Archeologico della Neapolis Ruins
1 star rating Santa Lucia al Sepolcro Religious Site
1 star rating Santuario della Madonna delle Lacrime Religious Site