In an increasingly segregated Israel, Abraham Hostel has uniquely succeeded in building cross cultural bridges through budget travel. Along with providing lodgings, the hostel hosts some of the city’s most joyous, thoughtful concerts and cultural events, many featuring Arab-Jewish initiatives. If you plan to stay, know that there are more than just shared accommodations here; the Abraham has a variety of options, from dormitory style digs to private rooms and suites. The edgy location in south Tel Aviv is about 20 minutes from the beach, but is close to the hopping bars and eateries of the hipster-packed Florentine district, and a 2-minute walk to the iconic Rothschild Blvd. The Abraham Hotel Tours company offers great tours through Tel Aviv and other fascinating destinations, including the “Jesus Trail” tour (see p. ###). You’ll find Abraham hostels in all of Israel’s tourist areas. Tip: If you’ll be in Tel Aviv for a week or more, ask long-stay discounts.