130km (81 miles) E of Bergen; 45km (28 miles) N of Odda

This tiny hamlet is a good place for a first-timer to get acquainted with the unique geography of the fjord country. Utne has a view of the entrances to three fjords: Indre Samla, Granvin, and Eid. Across Utnefjorden, the formidable bulk of Oksen rises from the headland separating the Granvin and the Eid fjords. A great ravine breaches the steep slope of Oksen. Utnefjorden is almost 3.3km (2 miles) wide opposite Utne and nearly 822m (2,696 ft.) deep in places, making it deeper than any other part of the Hardangerfjord.

Utne is at the northern end of the Folgefonn peninsula, with mountains looming nearby. Two valleys converge on the town, Utnedalen to the east and Fossdalen to the west. The river through Fossdalen forms falls as it drops through the woods toward the end of its course, dividing into two branches as it reaches the fjord.