This artistic statement was constructed in 1898 and is crowned by a magnificent dome once called "outrageous in its useless luxury." The dome crown, which is covered in triumphal laurel leaves, echoes that of the Karlskirche. It stands south of the Opernring, beside the Academy of Fine Arts. The Secession was the home of the Viennese avant-garde, which extolled the glories of Jugendstil (Art Nouveau). In 1897, a young group of painters and architects led by Gustav Klimt launched the Secessionist movement in rebellion against the strict, conservative ideas of the official Academy of Fine Arts.  The works of Kokoschka were featured here, as was the "barbarian" Paul Gauguin. Here you'll see Klimt's Beethoven Frieze, a 30m (100-ft.) visual interpretation of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Most other works by the Secessionist artists are on display in the Belvedere Palace, and the Secession building itself, as much a work of art as any of the paintings, is used for substantial contemporary exhibits.