An immaculate resort lying 4km (2 1/2 miles) south of Lech in a sunny valley, Zürs (1,708m/5,604 ft.) consists of about 1km (1/2 mile) of typical white stucco Vorarlberger buildings with carved-wood balconies. The resort, really a collection of extremely expensive hotels, is reached via the scenic Flexen Road.

Zürs is strictly a winter resort, and nearly all hotels close in summer. Because of its location, Zürs is avalanche prone, but these potential snowslides do not deter the loyal Zürs clientele.

Zürs (pronounced Seurs) is one of the world's most elegant resorts (more formal than Lech), and it's a favorite of royalty and film stars. Although Zürs is far more elite than either St. Moritz or Gstaad, it lacks their ostentatious attitudes. The resort has 130 ski instructors, and the snow here has been compared to talcum powder. Wealthy guests, many from South America, often have their own personal teachers.

A chairlift east of Zürs takes you to Hexenboden (2,349m/7,707 ft.), and a cable lift goes to Trittkopf (2,402m/7,881 ft.), which has a mountain restaurant and sun terrace.

In the west, a chairlift will take you to Seekopf (2,188m/7,179 ft.), and from the windows and terrace of the restaurant here, you can see the frozen Zürser Lake. A chairlift travels from Seekopf to the top station at 2,451m (8,041 ft.).

The year-round population of Lech is 1,000 people, but the year-round population of Zürs is just 100: Zürs is almost dead in the summer. Guests to Zürs are smug about returning season after season, some for as many as 30 years in a row, and it seems like everyone knows everyone else. Every hotel in Zürs has facilities that let guests ski directly up to a point near the hotel's entrance.