Cuba is a comfortable destination for senior travelers. Seniors are treated with deference and respect in Cuba. Moreover, it's a particularly safe country, with low levels of street crime, and the food and water are generally safe as well.
Mention the fact that you're a senior when you make your travel reservations -- some of the hotel chains and package tour operators still offer discounts for seniors. However, don't expect to find specific senior discounts once you arrive in Cuba, where you will be lumped into the category of rich foreigner and gouged as much as possible, like all the rest.
ElderTreks (tel. 800/741-7956 in North America and 0808-234-1717 in the U.K.; is a Canadian-based company that arranges small-group (up to 16 people) adventure trips for those 50 and older to Cuba.
In the U.K., trips to Cuba are offered by Saga, The Saga Building, Enbrook Park, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 3SE (tel. 0800/096-0078;
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.