Lascaux (Montignac)

Things to See in Lascaux (Montignac)

Things to See in Lascaux (Montignac) | Frommer's
Credit: thipjang / Shutterstock
Public visits to the original Lascaux caves ceased in 1963. Permission to visit for research purposes is given only to qualified archaeologists, so unless you’ve got an advanced degree and good connections, you will have to make do with the replica. T...  Read more >

Fromm rating starAbout our rating system

Star Rating Name Type
2 star rating Lascaux II Historic Site
3 star rating Lascaux IV or the International Centre for Cave Art Archeological Site
1 star rating Le Thot Zoo/Aquarium
2 star rating Préhisto Parc Museum
2 star rating Site Préhistorique de Regourdou Museum