With a little research, it's possible to eat extraordinarily well in Québec City. It used to be that this gloriously scenic town had no temples de cuisine comparable to those of Montréal. That has changed. There are now restaurants equal in every way to the most honored establishments of any North American city, with surprising numbers of creative, ambitious young chefs and restaurateurs bidding to achieve similar status.

Meals & Deals

There are blatantly touristy restaurants along rue St-Louis in Upper Town and around the Place d'Armes, many of them with hawkers outside. They can produce decent meals and are entirely satisfactory for lunch.

At the better places, reservations are essential during holidays and festivals. Other times, it's necessary to book ahead only for weekend evenings. Dress codes are rarely stipulated, but "dressy casual" works almost everywhere.

The evening meal tends to be served earlier in Québec City than in Montréal, at 7pm rather than 8pm. In the winter months, when tourist traffic slows, restaurants can close early or cut down on their days, so confirm before heading out. The best dining deals in Québec City are table d'hôte, fixed-priced meals. Nearly all full-service restaurants offer them. Generally, these meals include at least soup or salad, a main course, and a dessert. Some places add an extra appetizer and/or a beverage. The total price ends up being approximately what you'd pay for the main course alone. At lunchtime, table d'hôte meals are even cheaper (and you have more time to walk off the big meal).

Price Categories

Very Expensive C$30 and up

Expensive C$20-C$30

Moderate C$10-C$20

Inexpensive Under C$10

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.