Getting There -- Two buses a day (9:45am and 3:15pm) run from the little town of Otta, lying on the E6 northwest of Lillehammer, and the settlement of Mysusaeter, ending at the Spranghaugen Car Park. This is the start of the most frequented routes through Rondane. The trip takes 45 minutes and costs NOK60 ($12/£6) one-way. There is no public transportation to Dovrefjell. Motorists can reach such gateway towns as Lesja or Dombås by taking the E6 northwest of Lillehammer. For bus information, call tel. 81-54-44-44 or visit
Visitor Information -- For details on exploring both Rondane and Dovrefjell, you can go to the Nasjonalparksenter, Sentralplassen, in the town of Dombås (tel. 61-24-14-44). Open mid-June to mid-August Monday to Saturday 9am to 8pm, Sunday 9am to 4pm; mid-August to mid-June Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.