Few places in the world attract as much wildfowl as the Coorong, one of Australia's most precious sanctuaries. The Coorong area includes the mouth of the Murray River, huge Lake Alexandrina, smaller Lake Albert, and a long, thin sand spit called the Younghusband Peninsula. The Coorong National Park encompasses a small but by far the most scenic part of this area and supports large colonies of native and visiting birds, such as the Australian pelican, black swan, royal spoonbill, greenshank, and extremely rare hooded plover.
If it were possible to count all the birds here, you'd probably run out of steam after some 45,000 ducks, 5,000 black swans, 2,000 Cape Barren geese, and 122,000 waders. This last figure is even more significant when you consider the total South Australian population of waders (200,000) and the overall Australian population (some 403,000).
Add to these figures the thousands of pelicans -- with around 3,000 birds nesting here, it's the largest permanent breeding colony in Australia -- and gulls, terns, and cormorants, and you'll realize why the Coorong and Lower Murray Lakes form one of the most important water-bird habitats in Australia.
The national park, which stands out starkly against the degraded farmland surrounding it, is also home to several species of marsupials, including wombats.
The best time to visit the Coorong is in December and January, when the lakes are full of migratory birds from overseas. However, plenty of birds can be spotted year-round. Note: Binoculars and patience are highly recommended.