The Value of the Kuna vs. Other Popular Currencies

Cro(KN)      US$           Can$           UK£               Euro €          Aus$         NZ$

1                18¢            19¢            11p                 0.13€          19¢          21¢

This guide lists prices in the local currency. The currency conversions quoted above were correct at press time. However, rates fluctuate, so before departing consult a currency exchange website such as or to check up-to-the-minute rates.


The Croatian national currency is the kuna (kn), which comes in notes of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1,000. One kuna equals 100 lipa, and coins with values of 5, 10, 20, and 50 lipa and 1, 2, and 5 kuna are in circulation. To convert prices in kunas to current prices in U.S. dollars, go to

Following Croatia’s E.U. membership, some Croatian businesses, most notably hotels and tourist agencies, began to express their prices in euros and kuna, though euros are not officially accepted. Foreign currency can be exchanged at post offices, banks, and exchange offices. Numerous hotels and travel agencies also will exchange currency, but beware of the service charges, which can be as high as 3 percent.

Warning: Kunas and euros are very similar in look but dissimilar in value: One euro is worth seven times as much as one kuna. Be sure you separate the two and keep the currencies in separate compartments of your wallet.


The easiest and best way to get cash in Croatia is from an ATM (automated teller machine, aka Bankomat in Croatia). The Cirrus ( and PLUS ( networks span the globe; look on the back of your bank card to see which network you’re on, then call or check online for ATM locations at your destination. Be sure you know your personal identification number (PIN) before you leave home, and be sure to find out your daily withdrawal limit before you depart. Also keep in mind that many banks impose a fee every time a card is used at another bank’s ATM, and that fee can be higher for international transactions ($5 or more) than for domestic ones (where they’re rarely more than $3). On top of this, the bank from which you withdraw cash may charge its own fee. To compare banks’ ATM fees within the U.S., use For international withdrawal fees, ask your bank.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are a safe way to carry money: They provide a convenient record of all your expenses, and they generally offer relatively good exchange rates. In Croatia, credit cards are accepted by most hotels and restaurants in larger cities, but they generally are not accepted for private accommodations or in rural areas. In addition, some establishments that accept credit cards will offer a discount if you pay in cash.

You can get cash advances on your credit card at banks or ATMs, provided you know your PIN. If you’ve forgotten your PIN, or didn’t even know you had one, call the number on the back of your credit card and ask the bank to send it to you. It usually takes 5 to 7 business days, though some banks will provide the number over the phone if you tell them your mother’s maiden name or some other personal information. Warning: Credit card companies tend to charge rather large (some might even say exorbitant) fees for providing cash advances.

Keep in mind that when you use your credit card abroad, most banks assess a 2 percent fee above the 1 percent fee charged by Visa or MasterCard or American Express for currency conversion on credit charges. There is also often a service charge on foreign transactions. Even so, credit cards still may be the smart way to go when you factor in things like hefty ATM fees and higher traveler’s check exchange rates (and service fees).

Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, and American Express credit cards are accepted in most Croatian establishments that accept plastic. The Maestro debit card is also widely accepted.

Croatia is an affordable country compared to other European nations, though Dubrovnik stands out as far more expensive than other Croatian destinations. Hotel rooms and rental cars will be your highest expenditures, but in general, food, entertainment, and public transportation costs are a little below those of nearby E.U. countries, such as Austria and Italy.

What Things cost in Croatia

Airport taxi         150kn–250kn

Cappuccino         10kn–16kn

Coca-Cola           20kn–25kn

Half-liter beer      20kn

Ice-cream cone    7kn per scoop

Pasta dish            50kn–80kn

Pizza                   50kn–80kn

3-course dinner    150kn

Prices outside metropolitan areas in general will be 20 to 40 percent lower.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.