A short walk from Plaça Sant Jaume, this 28-table restaurant looks expensive but is actually one of the best and most affordable in the Barri Gòtic. Dishes of this quality usually cost three times as much in Barcelona. The chef is proud of his "kitchen of the market," suggesting that only the freshest ingredients from the day's shopping are featured. Try such delights as bacallà gratinado i musselina de carofes (salt cod gratinée with an artichoke mousse) or terrina d'berengeras amb fortmage de cabra (terrine of eggplant/aubergine with goat's cheese). A delectable specialty sometimes available is codorniz rellena en cebollitas tiernas y foie de pato (partridge stuffed with tender onions and duck liver). On warm evenings, go for one of the candle-lit tables outside on the atmospheric square dominated by a Gothic church.