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Britain's Exit from the European Union May Have Adverse Consequences for the American Tourist

It may be too early to determine exactly what impact Britain's exit from the European Union may have on us American tourists.  Certainly, it will take several months, according to many experts, before the exit may have a discernible impact on border crossings and the like.  And on a longer timeline, it's possible that this breakup of a once-idealistic union may heighten the chances of sporadic armed incidents between the nations of Europe.  We should all remember that the constant enmity between European nations brought about the horrors of World War II, and that the European Union was once an effort to create a peaceful union of nation states. 

It's also sad to realize that Britain's exit was brought about by many of the same narrowly-nationalistic fanatics who have fought for anti-humane responses to the desperate refugees who have fled for their lives from warfare in the Middle East.  Certainly, all of us should decry any increase in the strength of those types, who resemble the fanatics who have brought such despair to suffering migrants.  The victory of those loud-mouths is something we should all fight to prevent in Europe and in our own nation.

Britain's exit from the E.U. may also create problems to those of us who enjoy traveling easily within the United Kingdom and nearby.  Already, nationalists in Scotland are calling for a new vote on Scottish independence from the United Kingdom.  Similar calls are being heard from Northern Ireland.  And certainly, travel from Britain to the Republic of Ireland may now become more difficult.

Moreover, the burdens of long waits to enter the United Kingdom will now become worse, because members of the European Union will now have to wait in line with us Americans, instead of passing easily into Great Britain in the lines for British citizens.  Up until now, members of the European Union have been treated equally with Brits, and the ease of such entry will now come to an end.  Lines will also become longer for Americans arriving in European countries, now that British citizens will also be forced to join our lines instead of proceeding effortlessly in the lines for members of the European Union.

Finally, the impact of "Brexit" on the British Pound, which has now reduced in value by 10%, should be considered.  It will now be harder for Britain to buy American exports, and harder for British citizens to travel within the United States. 

All in all, it's difficult to discover any positive results from what has happened.  And we will surely find further disadvantages in the days to come.

