Part of the Confederation Centre of the Arts (which includes three theaters), this is the largest art gallery in Atlantic Canada. The center is housed in a bland, gray, boxy complex of sandstone and glass -- a casualty of the "modern" architecture wave that swept the continent in the 1960s and 1970s. (Canadian writer Will Ferguson has referred to the building as "one of the greatest unprosecuted crimes of urban planning in Canadian history.") Inside, however, the gallery is spacious and well arranged on two levels, featuring displays from a 15,000-piece permanent collection as well as imaginatively curated changing exhibits. And admission is free. Shows might range from an exhibit on Canadian legal history to knit rugs from war-torn Afghanistan, from Uruguayan paintings to photographs of islands. The museum focuses partly on hanging the work of up-and-coming Canadians such as Inuit artist Annie Pootoogook, weaver Rilla Marshall, and painter Walter Tandy Murch. Spend an hour or more here if you appreciate art.