Located on two Jerusalem campuses, Hebrew University is one of Israel's most dramatic accomplishments, with more than 23,000 students spread across this and the Mount Scopus campus. Built to replace the university's original Mount Scopus campus, which was cut off from West Jerusalem from 1948 to 1967, the Givat Ram Campus now houses the university's science departments and functions in tandem with the Mount Scopus Campus, which was reclaimed in 1967 during the Six-Day War.

Take special architectural note of the Belgium House Faculty Club, La Maison de France, the physics building, and the huge Jewish National and University Library (partly inspired by LeCorbusier's Villa Savoye in Poissy, France) at the far end of the promenade. And don't miss the mushroom-shaped synagogue behind the library and the futuristic gym. The synagogue, with its dome supported by eight arches, was designed by Heinz Rau (one of the designers of Brasilia) and the important Israeli architect, David Reznik; Reznik's imprint dots the city -- he designed Jerusalem's Hyatt Regency Hotel and codesigned the Mormon Center on Mount Scopus.

You can stop for lunch in the cafeteria of the administration building, or in the Jewish National and University Library, which contains a vast stained-glass window depicting images of Jewish mysticism.