Area Codes -- The area code for Recife and Olinda is 081.

Banks -- Banco do Brasil: in Recife -- Rua Barão De Souza Leão 440, Boa Viagem (tel. 081/3462-3777); in Olinda -- Av. Getulio Vargas 1470, Bairro Novo (tel. 081/3439-1344).

Car Rentals -- Avis (tel. 081/3462-5069); Localiza (tel. 081/3341-2082); Unidas (tel. 081/3461-4661).

Consulates -- United States, Rua Gonçalves Maia 163, Boa Vista (tel. 081/3416-3050).

Currency Exchange -- Monaco Cambio, Praça Joaquim Nabuco 19, Santo Antônio (tel. 081/3424-3727); and Colmeia Cambio, Rua dos Navegantes 783, Boa Viagem (tel. 081/3465-3822).

Dentist -- Clinica Odontologica, Rua Ademar da Costa Almeida 130, Piedade (tel. 081/3341-3341).

Emergencies -- Dial tel. 190 for police, tel. 193 for fire and ambulance. Tourist Police, Praça Min. Salgado Filho s/n (at the airport; tel. 081/3303-7217).

Hospital -- Centro Hospitalar Albert Sabin, Rua Senador José Henrique 141, Ilha do Leite (tel. 081/3421-5411).

Internet Access - Cyber Café, Praça João Pessoa 15, Carmo, Olinda (tel. 081/3429-4365), charges R$6 per hour. Recife Internet, Shopping Guararapes, Av. Barreto de Menezes 800, Piedade (tel. 081/3464-2107), charges R$8 per hour.

Pharmacies -- Farmacia dos Pobres, Av. Conselheiro Aguiar 3595, Boa Viagem (tel. 081/3301-3117 ). Open 24 hours.

Visa Renewal -- Go to the Policia Federal, Cais do Apolo 321, Bairro do Recife (tel. 081/3425-4026). You may need to show both a return ticket and evidence of sufficient funds to cover the remainder of your stay.

Weather -- Recife, just below the Equator, has a pleasant, warm climate year-round, with average temperatures of 28°C (82°F). Most rain falls in winter (July-Sept). The most pleasant months are March through June; it's warm but not as hot as in December through February.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.