If you're driving from Ottawa, take Highway 416 south to Highway 401 (the Trans-Canada Hwy.), then drive west to Kingston. Or, with a little more time, take scenic Route 2 instead. Highway 401 is an expressway, heavily trafficked and good if you want to get from A to B in a hurry. But if you're looking for relaxation, it's best avoided. From Toronto, you have little choice but to take Highway 401 directly east to the Kingston exits.

If you want to take public transit, several comfortable daily VIA Rail (tel. 888/VIA-RAIL; www.viarail.ca) trains run through Kingston coming from Ottawa, Toronto, and Montréal.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.